
Join Us

Becoming a member is simple. Fill out our membership form, submit your fee, and start experiencing the benefits immediately. As a member, you’ll receive a membership card that grants access to our supportive and fun-loving community.

Why Choose Us?

Fun Farm is not just about activities; it’s about empowering you and your loved ones to participate fully in society, with all the support and resources you need at your fingertips. By joining us, you’re not only signing up for fun and friendship, but you’re also becoming part of a movement towards a more inclusive society.


Become a Member of Fun Farm


Welcome to Our Community

At Fun Farm, we’re dedicated to building a vibrant community that supports adults and teenagers with disabilities through a variety of enriching activities and events. Our members enjoy a welcoming environment where they can foster connections, share experiences, and find joy in every activity.

Membership Benefits

There are 2 levels of membership:

  1. Ordinary Member – An individual or nominated representative of each family who has other family members involved with or serviced by the association.
  1. Corporate Member – An organisation with an interest in the activities and services of the association.

If you are a business wanting to support Fun Farm this membership is for you.

As a member, you’ll get to enjoy a ton of perks, including:

– Spotlight at our discos: We’ll shine the spotlight on our members at our legendary discos!
– Discounted Event Tickets: Enjoy exclusive pricing on our fantastic events! You’ll receive your discount code when you become a member!
– Discounted Merchandise: You’ll receive 20% off Fun Farm Member bucket hats & shirts!
Plus, you’ll receive birthday shoutouts at our events! Just remember to let us know if your birthday is coming up.